Eye-BERT Micro LR

  • 6.312 to 125Mbps
  • Autonomous data rate measurement
  • Synchronous clock output
  • Variable data rates in 1Hz increments
  • PRBS 27, 211, 215, 223, 231-1, K28.5, DCD
  • Programmable pulse generation 10nS to 1mS, 1 to 99% Duty Cycle
  • Compact package
  • Electrical or optical interface


The Eye-BERT Micro LR is a low cost, easy to use test solution offering BER testing at any rate between 6.312 and 125Mbps on either optical or electrical interfaces.  Features include: continuously variable bit rate, user programmable pulse generator, internal CDR with retimer mode, bit rate measurement, and recovered clock output. The Unit is supplied with anti-skid bumpers for bench use, and is small enough to be integrated into larger systems for dedicated link verification.